Our Campus
Located in the Richmond Annex, bordering El Cerrito and Albany, our campus is made up of a collection of brightly colored and lovingly landscaped single family homes that have been converted into individual classrooms. An expansive interior play yard – not visible from the street – lines the full length of the property. Taking up almost one whole city block, our campus offers multiple spaces for children to learn, explore and grow. Its convenient location just two minutes from I-80 (Carlson Blvd exit) and I-580 (Bayview Ave exit) is perfect for the Bay Area commute.

Nomura students are placed by age and developmental readiness into beginning (2-3 years old), intermediate (3-4 years old) and pre-k (4-5 years) classes. Our indoor classrooms are designed to promote cooperative play and exploration. Each room contains a variety of learning centers where children can build, play pretend, investigate science themes, make art or read. At Nomura, we aim to create a calm and home-like atmosphere where children feel comfortable and safe. The child-friendly setup of our classrooms encourages independence and a hands-on approach to learning.

Outside Space
Nomura Preschool’s large outdoor yard and play areas offer an engaging combination of play structures, student gardens, picnic and seating areas, ball courts and bike/trike riding paths appropriate for all ages. This outdoor space is entirely hidden from the street, making it clean and safe.
The play structures offer a wide range of activities for our preschool students. As children grow and develop physically, they are able to climb, reach and move through more sections, learning new ways to navigate.
Student gardens are collectively tended through the fall, spring and summer months. Students help plant and tend to an assortment of vegetables, preparing the soil, watering, and pulling weeds. They love to watch the growth from seeds to seedlings to full plants, ready for harvest. Vegetables are then sent home with the children to enjoy with their families, inspiring green thumbs and healthy diets.
Sandboxes and water tables allow children to explore nature’s textures and unleash their imaginations together.